BOLSONARO: Brazilian deputy honors Lenin, dictator and genocide.

The federal deputy Talíria Petrone (PSOL / RJ) generated indignation among internet users and liberals when, on the morning of this Tuesday (21st), on the occasion of the 96th anniversary of Lenin's death, she affirmed that the leader of the Russian Revolution “by example and by  writings is eternal ”.  Groups such as Livres and personalities linked to the organization recalled the revolutionary's past on social media. [1]

 The liberal association classified the praise as a “fetish of the old Brazilian left by bloodthirsty dictators” and argued that all appreciation for authoritarian icons, such as Lenin, should be “vehemently rejected”.  [2]

 The state deputy for Rio de Janeiro, Chicão Bulhões (NOVO), in turn, affirmed that “the ethics of the left is relative” and classified Lenin as a “genocide”.  "It killed millions of people, chased opponents, built concentration camps," he said, calling the tribute to dictators "something repulsive".  [3]

 In this way, state deputy Daniel José (NOVO / SP) also invested, who, like Bulhões, is associated with Livres.  "It seems that, for PSOL, this killer is free to worship," commented the parliamentarian
